
2月28日ドイツ時間午後6時(日本時間1日午前2時)からから行われた, MWGFD主催のシンポジウム

”Genbasierte “Impfstoffe”. Das Pharma-Verbrechen des Jahrhunderts?”(遺伝子を利用した”ワクチン”。世紀の薬害?)


MWGFD(Mediziner und Wissenschaftler für Gesundheit, Freiheit und Demokratie, e.V.; 健康、自由、民主主義のための医師と科学者」



(1)   日本における現状







(2) 「その後」あるいは終わらないワクチン接種キャンペーン



           – 1つ目は、”感染予防”

           – 2つ目は “感染しても発症しないこと”

           – 3つ目は、”重症化の予防”

現在も続くコロナワクチン運動の “その後 “は以下の通りです。

           – 日本は世界一のワクチン接種率を誇っている。

           – しかし、”感染者数 “では、日本は毎週、世界で過去最高の新規感染者数を記録している。 

“ワクチン接種で感染症を予防し、患者数や重症化を減らす “とは程遠い状況です。


しかし、ワクチンの “3つの予防効果 “は大嘘であることが判明しました。


           – 国の発表によると、ワクチン接種後に死亡した人は約2000人。

           – 重篤な副反応を起こした人は2万人以上にのぼる。


(3) 全国有志医師の会(VMAJ)





(4) 日本におけるワクチン被害の現状





           – ほとんどの病院や医師は、ワクチン後遺症の患者に対して、回避的であったり、無視的であったりする

           – 原因を調べても具体的な所見がなく、多くは「不可解・不明」とされている。

           – 医療機関へのアクセスや診察が悪く、多くの患者が「歓迎されない難民」になっている。 


(5) 治療戦略


           – 免疫亢進を抑え、自然免疫を向上させる。

           – 血管内凝固能亢進の緩和、抗血栓療法。

           – 自律神経や認知機能など、神経機能の改善。

           – 抗酸化力の向上、解毒機能の改善。

           – ビタミンB群、鉄分など栄養バランスの改善。

– 食物アレルギーへの対応、腸内環境の悪化の改善。



(6) 漢方療法について







           – ワクチン接種後の傷害の病態はほとんど解明されておらず、また

           – その治療法も確立されていないのが現状。









Title:   Current situation and treatment of patients with vaccine injury in Japan

(1)Current Situation in Japan

3 years ago, we were dealing with an unknown new virus, and the media reported daily on the number of infected people and deaths, as well as on the mutated strain.

Now, three years later, the media is still reporting on the number of infections and deaths as in the early days.

However, is the Covid-19 a disease by an unknown virus? No, we know much more about this virus now.

Last year, as everywhere in the world, the coronavirus mutated into the Omicron strain in Japan and became less toxic. Since then, the number of people who have become seriously ill has decreased significantly.

It is the three years of unchanged, inciting media campaign that makes people fear the “unknown virus”. But more and more people have shifted their perception of the virus from “unknown” to “known”.

In the chaos of the emergency declaration, a ‘specially approved’ mRNA vaccine came up as “the only effective solution” to the Covid-19 pandemic.

(2) The “aftermath” or the never-ending vaccination campaign

It was two years ago, when the first vaccination of healthcare workers in Japan started in February 2021.

At that time, the government said that the corona vaccine was expected to have three benefits.

              – The first is “prevention of infection”

            – The second is “prevention of the onset of disease even if infected”

              – The third is “prevention of serious illnesses”

The “aftermath” of the still ongoing corona vaccine campaign is as follows:

              – Japan has the highest vaccination coverage in the world.

              – However, in terms of “number of infections”, every week Japan has marked record numbers of new    infections worldwide.  

It is a far cry from saying that “vaccinations prevent infections and reduce the number of cases and serious illness.”

In Japan, the government has strongly promoted vaccination and achieved the world’s highest rate of additional vaccinations.

However, the “three preventive effects” of the vaccine have turned out to be a big lie.

Currently, there are many people in Japan suffering from health problems caused by the mRNA vaccine.

              – According to national reports, about 2 000 people have died following the vaccination.

              – More than 20 000 people have had serious adverse reactions.

These figures announced by the Japanese government are just the tip of the iceberg. It is estimated that the real number is probably 10 to 20 times higher.

(3)The Volunteer Medical Association of Japan (VMAJ)

The Volunteer Medical Association of Japan (VMAJ), of which I am the representative, is an organization of doctors and medical professionals.

Founded in February 2022, we started by reviewing measures against Covid-19 infection and called for suspension of the vaccination programs. Our aim is to protect the safety and health of the public.

As of January of this year, the organization consists of a total of about 1,400 members. However, the real number is higher, since many employed doctors fear being dismissed from their hospitals and therefore, avoid being listed on the members’ directory of VMAJ.

As allied organizations, there are nurses’ organizations, associations of bereaved families of vaccine victims, associations of patients with vaccine injury, the Nonpartisan League of Parliamentarians, and various other groups, opposed to the corona vaccine. They all are cooperating with each other.

(4) Current situation of the patients with vaccine injuries in Japan

In Japan, there are still very few hospitals and clinics that provide treatment for vaccine injuries.

Facing this situation, the Volunteer Medical Association of Japan has published on its website the hospitals and clinics that provide treatment for vaccine injury and has focused on building up a treatment system.

In addition, “Japan Vaccine Aftereffect Treatment Study Group” was organized in March 2022 mainly by physicians who gather at the Volunteer Medical Association of Japan. This group has continuously been holding Zoom study sessions every two weeks to lecture and exchange information on treatment methods ever since. More than 120 physicians, dentists, and veterinarians have now joined the group.

However, the current state of the Health Care System for patients with post-vaccine injury in Japan is far from optimal, if not disastrous:

              – Most hospitals and doctors are evasive or neglectful towards patients with post-vaccine Injury.

              – No specific findings when tested for cause, and many are considered as ‘inexplicable/unknown’

              – Poor access to medical care and consultation, making many patients to ‘unwelcomed refugees’.  

On top of that, post-vaccine injuries are scarcely recognized by the public. Their existence is tightly hidden by the mainstream media.

Governments and medical societies do not adopt treatments such as ivermectin and vitamin C, which have already been proven to be effective in treating vaccine injuries in other countries.

(5) Treatment strategies

Given this reality, the following treatment strategies have been discussed by Japan Vaccine Aftereffect Treatment Study Group:

              – Reducing immune hyperactivity and improving natural immunity.

              – Relief of intravascular hypercoagulability, and antithrombotic therapy.

              – Improvement of neurological functions, including autonomic and cognitive functions.

              – Improvement of antioxidant capacity and detoxification function.

              – Improvement of nutritional balance, including B vitamins and iron.

  • Dealing with food allergies and improving deteriorating intestinal conditions.

Specific treatments include nutritional therapy, antioxidant therapy, ivermectin, intravenous therapy, Traditional Chinese medicine, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, and Epipharyngeal Abrasive Therapy.

From a Survey of Physicians Participating in Japan Vaccine Aftereffect Treatment Study Group, conducted at the end of last year, Traditional Chinese Medicine known as “Kampo therapy” was listed as the number one treatment method that we believe is highly effective in treating patients with vaccine injury.

(6) Kampo therapy

The “Corona Vaccine Removal Chinese Powdered Medicine” developed by a specialist in traditional Chinese medicine at Japan Vaccine Aftereffect Treatment Study Group contains five types of crude drugs:

So far, it has been prescribed to a total of about 100 patients, and about 90% of patients with vaccine injuries have been found to be remarkably effective or at least achieved noticeable improvement.

The vast majority of patients (80%) showed positive effect within the first 14 days, some already within the first 3 days (27%).

Due to the limited time available today, we are unable to discuss the details of Chinese herbal therapy. However, we believe that further information can be shared at future opportunities.

(7)  Conclusions – our commitment to the people

The drug injuries caused by the coronavirus vaccine are a transnational catastrophe. Our first experience with mRNA vaccines in humans has proven to be even more worrying than the concerns that have been raised since the beginning of the vaccination.

We are facing the situation that

             – the pathogenesis of post-vaccine injuries remains largely unknown, and

              – the treatment of these diseases has not yet been established.

Whatever the situation is, we will continue to support those people with vaccine injury.

Efforts must also be made to identify who is responsible for this enormous catastrophe.

Moreover, there is also no doubt that the Corona pandemic policy has led to the violation of people’s human rights and the society towards totalitarianism. The fight against such human rights violation is also considered important.

We are confident that these activities will be greatly enhanced by international collaboration. We would like to contribute to the international collaboration by promoting deeper and broader discussions among healthcare professionals.

Dr. Akinori Fujisawa, medical doctor specialized in cardiology and family medicine. President and founder of the Volunteer Medical Association of Japan.

Director of “Honbetsu Cardiovascular Medicine Clinic”, in Honbetsu, Hokkaido (northern Japan).